This year, the FIFA World Cup comes to my beautiful home, South Africa, but more importantly, Cape Town, bringing with it people who will forever come to love this wonderfully diverse city of ours.
Secondly, this is my 3rd and final year at the University of Cape Town, which means, I graduate! I kind of have mixed feelings about this one because hey, who doesn't want to NOT have to worry about homework/tests and exams n shit etc...? But then i'll also probably never have so much freedom. and i'll probably never get to see my cool ass friends quite so often.
Third, and most important :) this year, on the 14 of December 2010, I, Rasheeda Sarguro, will turn 21 years of age :)
Again, mixed feelings because a) i can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that I will have existed for 21 YEARS! If you think about it, that's a LONG time.
But b) hellooooo freedom!
My plans for my 21st consist of my friends and i taking a trip to the awesomely awesome Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Because i am truly just a big kid :D :D :D
So therefore, in my eyes, 2010 is MY year bitches!!!