Friday, June 17, 2011

The Edge Of.... The Curb?

As i'm sure you've all heard by now, Lady Gaga has released her latest music video for her latest single 'The Edge of Glory'

and of course all the 'Monsters' can't get enough of it. Me? Call me dumb, but I REALLY don't get the hype.

In the video, literally ALL she does is move about on a New York city fire escape; sits on a stoep; and walks a bit on the sidewalk/ pavement/ curb depending on what you call it.

Come on you guys. Let's be serious. Calling the video 'simple' does not justify it. It's lame. It's boring.
The only interesting thing about it is the vintage Versace outfit she wears,

 and the makeshift top from the Hermes scarf:

At some point there's a sax solo by Clarence Clemons which, as a former Sax player myslef, is cool i suppose, but that's about it.

And can we just get one thing straight? The song itself is not "amazing". There is nothing about it that makes one go: 'omg it just took my breathe away, i think i just pee'd my pants' about it. 

Most of the time all she actually SAYS is 'the edge', 'the edge', 'the edge'. 35 times to be exact. That means NOTHING. 
Can everybody just calm their shit about it? It's sort of a catchy song but that's all. Nothing awe-inspiring or life-changing. 

Can we just ignore it and go back to singing Judas? Which is AMAZING.

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